I am toying with the idea of a 2 part wave, one is static and the top section is rotating and potentially roll around 60 degrees starting at a peaking wave and rolling through to a tube. The idea is the static wave houses 2 bearings in each side and the rotating wave has a curved slot for the wave to roll on the bearings. This can be driven by a rotational motor.
Tube would direct the ball lower to the RHS flipper
Peaking wave would direct the ball higher to HUEY and then the LHS flipper
Maybe the game could be set for a switch activation to move the wave from one position to the next or it could continuous rotate back and forth adding the challenge for a well timed shot for the perfect wave.
Then my dutch friend came out with a cool concept sketch to simplify the shots. It looks extremely cool but then fouls with my 4 flipper layout .... have to have a think