Given this is the only Dungeons and Dragons I've done, and possibly the last, it was really interesting stripping the game. It was really complex and difficult as the rear of the playfield had two cutounts with a left timber ramp and right hand side raised playfield. They really packed this game with features - not uncommon during this period.
Left ramp into a blue plastic return ramp;
RHS raised playfield with in-line targets.
Playfield underside. Really packed in those coils in the top half !!
Note the cutout playfield on both corners..
Coils everywhere ! But all coils were good. Just sloppy mechs..
Mechs removed for cleaning - I've seen far worse, but these had a fair amount of lubricant.
Degreaser - Water based "Diggers" from Bunnings. Don't be fooled - this stuff is HARSH. You mix it with water.
First, the playfield is cleaned with "simple Green", then Novus 3, Novus 2 and then I bring out the polishing kit and buffing wheel. Just a matter of spending time going through each section. The mylar in staying in situ as it we are not looking at a playfield restoration.
Still has some really vibrant colors after the polishing..
Polished and waxed.