Author Topic: Inkochnito's Pinball Score and Instruction cards updated  (Read 140394 times)

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Offline Inkochnito

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    • Inkochnito's Pinball score and instruction cards
I've updated my website again.
There are some files which just got an extra cards added to the file.
I created a new file for Gottlieb - Contest and Gottlieb - Solar Ride EM version.
For Gottlieb - World Fair the relay strips and a lot of labels got added, which should make the file complete for the game.
On request I added a file for L & R Manufacturing Comp. - Spelling Bee, a game from 1935.
The same person also requested a file for Stoner - Mad Cap, a game from 1936.
The Mad Cap card took a lot of work. I had to completely redraw the card to keep the original look the same.
Both files can be found in the Various section.
A complete selection of score cards are added to Williams - Flash, making the set complete.
Two STD- cards are added to the STD- section for Williams Systems.
The STD-A714 specificly mentions the resistors on the driver board, which must be replaced for wire jumpers.
There was a previous card which mentioned more resistors, but that was a wroung label.
The wroung card is still present in the file, so you can see the difference.
That's all for now.
You can see all changes in the list below.
I hope you all like the changes.
Please donate if you use my files, as I do not get payed to create them.

Enjoy and have fun playing pinball,
If you like my work, please send me a donation via PayPal.

28 februari 2025 changes
New made or updated card files:
Bally Gold Rush card added to zip file
Gottlieb coil wrapper A-5193 pdf file added
Gottlieb coil wrapper A-7676 pdf file added
Gottlieb coil wrapper A-7677 pdf file corrected
Gottlieb coil wrapper A-7836 pdf file added
Gottlieb Contest zip file added
Gottlieb score cards listing, cards added to the list
Gottlieb Solar Ride EM zip file added
Gottlieb World Fair cards and labels added to zip file
L & R Spelling Bee zip file added
Stoner Mad Cap zip file added
Williams Black Knight zip file card corrected
Williams Flash cards added to zip file
Williams WPC push button label (other version) zip file added
Williams resistor jumpers 500-8A zip file added
Williams STD-A714 driver board resistor jumpers zip file added
Williams STD-663 Diagnostic CPU Self-Test zip file added