Anyhoo.......been a long day, longer for some though.
Well done to MarkC & the gang for all the preparations and a smooth day.
Great to meet quite a few people i hadn't met before, great to see everything from handfuls to bagfuls to topper-fuls of parts walking out the backroom......
I spent a lot of time out the back, assisting where possible and having a grin at everyones JAW-DROPPING GASPS as they walked thru the lanes of parts in disbelief.......
Everyone agreed it was an awesome array of parts, and everything NOS condition......not bad since the next 2 containers will perhaps outshine this first 'teaser' container......
I don't think we've even begun to comprehend what's still on the way in quantity & was a mild introduction so people wouldn't suffer heart attacks hehehehehe.
A big thanx again to ALL the Mark'X's on the day, and to the other MarkC for
burning cooking our snags to perfection, and copping a shipload of smoke in the eyes