Back to the original lamp prob...
What does the diode measure (both measurements)?
On the original lamp that was coming on with all the others it measured something like 570 one way and NIL the other- if you need the EXACT number reading I will get that again tonight - yes
OK, 570 is about right, and nil is also right... so no problem there (exact numbers are not necessary, as long as they are close to what you measured).
And what is the other diode you've found reading? Again, it might be out of spec as well...
This is the one I found in column 8 that wasnt part of the original 'row 2' issue - It was also reading 560's / 570's BOTH ways - once again if you need the EXACT numbers I will get them again tonight- yes
Reading 560/570 both ways is not correct. Did you have the lamp in place when you measured? If so, remove the lamp and re-check. If you get the same readings, then replace the diode.
It is now possible that you do have a failed transistor or 2, or even a failed IC, but there are a few more things to check before we go for that...
Measure for a short between Columns 1 and 8. It could be that somehow they have shorted together causing this problem. If you do find them shorted, then remove the lamp matrix plugs from the Driver board and measure again. This way you'll know if it's in the cabinet or on the board.