And heres what happened when I removed the wiper fingers off one of the stepper units. It fell apart in my hand!! AAARGH.. not good. These have plastic or nylon rivets holding them together and im not sure if they simply broke or if someone else had them apart before… because if you look at the last pic in the previous post, the top row of wires have all been moved over one tag to the left. So im guessing they dismantled the wiper fingers and moved them to suit the new wire positions!!!
This development had me worried for a while, but I decided it wasn’t too bad coz I had taken pics of each stepper unit prior to doing anything to them. So luckily I was able to work out (I hope!!!) how it all went together. Also luckily it was only the two middle fingers that fell out, the rest were held in place by the two halves of the broken rivets. Pics show me piecing it together temporarily til I decide how I can hold it back together.