And here is on of my stuffups.. this match unit has a solenoid activated lever that hides the match number when the game is being played. Well the lever was slightly obscuring the bottom of the match number so I had to do something about that. Someone had previously just twisted the lever so it the number could be seen but this looked crappy to me, so I straightened the lever and thought id just bend the solenoid plunger rest stopper up a bit… well it just broke the spot weld and came off
Why did I try this?? Because im BLOODY STUPID that’s why
Anyway there was an easy fix.. there was already a hole close by so I just remounted the stopper to this hole.. panic over.. lol
And the 2nd pic.. what is with these f**kin Zac/Wms coil stops/brackets that they just have to break when you remove them??!!
I’ve had about three coil stops break on this game and now one of the reel coils decided to break. Luckily I have some of these on the old superstar backbox I have but its not here, so I just put it back together with the broken one so I can get the game going, and I’ll replace it later when I can get to Port Macq and get the bits I need from the Superstar backbox.