Strangeways, you sound like my long lost twin brother. I hear you buddy. 21 years in IT and burnt out like you would not believe. Being managed by incompetents and being treated like a child - still. IT has been turned upside down since every man and his dog thinks they can develop/test/implement corporate wide applications on their PC using .NET or similar. I would love to slap these cowboys around the head a bit. A lot actually...
I would love to get out but where to? I would love to drive a truck or something like that!
Armstrong's is about 5 Minutes from my place and they instruct Vans, Buses and 18 wheelers.. The thought has crossed my mind, as I enjoy being on the road..
I guess I don't "fit in" with older IT principles.. In the "old days" we used to Plan, test, pilot, implement and support.. These days, the emphasis is on implement once, implement twice, curse the lack of planning, ask "whats scope", forget the objective... then I have to fix it.. Bosses get together, pat themselves on the back.. and I'm back to square one..