ok, my twister seems to be different to what u have described.
my fluro tube is wired to a large square copper wrapped rsistor of some decription. it is in the same position of what i have pictured with this link below, but it is different again.
the fluro wiring splits off to the top right corner of my headbox, with the red positive wire.
the square device, seems to be a fine red copper wired resistor/coil of some de******ion wound very tightly with copper wire. it obviously is designed to even out voltage i guess. my square thing is wrapped in a brown paper/cardboard from factory. it then is wired directly off to the main power supply, but it has this square thing between the fluro set up and the power supply, if that helps.
http://www.ipdb.org/showpic.pl?id=3976&picno=30445the link above is from ipdb. similar to mine, wired the same , but my square thing is different.