Looks like the TZ mini playfield is the latest target on RGPhttp://groups.google.com/group/rec.games.pinball/browse_thread/thread/15de896519dde47a#
Yep - and if the whinger read the reasoning why they left the bevel out, he could have made an informed choice, or made his own mini playfield.
"Crisis" is pretty much summed up -
"Dosent anybody actually "read" di******ions of products prior to purchasing them so that they know exactly what they are buying?....Or are people just looking for something to complain about and too lazy to read? "
While I too have bought many a product from CPR without any problems and will buy again the statement you quoted from RGP is not completely true,the item description does not mention anything about the missing bevels and only mentions the reasons for the "flip here"the only place it mentions it is in the first paragraph of photo gallery,hopefully in the future if they do deviate from an original that it IS in the item description