I really am hoping this Wiki takes off. As good as the guides were (and lets not underestimate their value - I would NOT be a collector today without having found and learned from them), they were at the mercy of the author/compiler, and personality of some complexity (I'll remain polite). But for the record the author once attacked me on RGP simply for being an Aussie during the days of WMS rights controversy, so I have my opinion.
If the Wiki flourishes we will have a resource not at the mercy of a single person. I think this has been a long time coming, and ultimately may turn out to be a blessing in disguise.
+1 - Credit where it is due, the Marvin Guides have been a useful tool for the newbies and old hands. The wiki will have more contributors, and in the long run will remain public - where it belongs. No one can take their bat and ball and go home !