Guys thanks for all the advice i have a few machines to check out .
Hey Cavey for that line up i might have to buy a lotto ticket but yes that would look good.
Data East Star Trek 25th Anniversary has 2 x seperate banks of 4 drop targets. I looked at my 30 different DMD machines and I was amazed how many DONT have drop targets or only have 1 x bank of 3 or 4 IF lucky. I think Pop Bumpers are more exciting than drop targets, not to mention the mechanical hassles etc of drop targets.
FAZA, based on you having a really nice Addams Family, If i were you, I would have to buy a Twilight Zone, a Indianna Jones Widebody, and a Star Trek Next Generation to have the top 4 machines of all time, incl your Addams. It might take a year or two, but its a collection that would make any pinball person more than happy.