you will have to move 90 percent of the parts over unless u want to spend thousands of dollars for no reason.
you can ofcourse do flipper kits, check coils etc etc, but u will need to document where every part comes from with many x many photos, and then bag n tag every part. A very big job if u havent done it before.
The are people on here who specialise in resto work who you may want to contact and get a $$ price/quote from which may be worthwhile in the end.
El Timbo (Tim Reid) from Hot Rod Restorations is one such person who is qualified to advise and quote. (search hot rodded pinballs on this site for Tims details) otherwise you may want to get a friend or other member who may live in your area who can help and give advice along the way if u havent done this before. It is a major job and one you would be best doing with someone experienced.
There are also so many parts suppliers from both Australia and the USA which experienced members have all used before with success. what area are you located in.?