Well, while in a restoration mood, my wife comes along with an old tricycle and says, "try bringing this one from the dead".
The tricycle belongs to her niece who got it almost 30 years ago as a toddler. She gave it to our kids and my youngest has outgrown it 3 years ago. Now our niece has two kids of her own, the youngest is just learning to walk. My wife wants to give the tricycle back but not in its 30 year aged state.
I gave it a clean but it still looks so crappy with flaking paint and sun bleached plastics. So, off to Bunnings today and the lady in the paint section told me to try a new paint called Rust-oleum. This thing primes and paints and sticks to wood, metal or plastic. I gave it a try on the rear tray and the results are good. The photos show the before and after a couple of coats. I will give the frame and seat a couple of coats over the next few days and then finish off with a clear coat.
You never know, this stuff might be OK for some pinball plastics like yellowing pop bumpers on older machines.
I look forward to seeing the expression on my niece's face when she sees her 'new' tricycle.