Author Topic: Is anyone interested in the Heighway Pinball Platform?  (Read 7157 times)

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Offline swinks

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Is anyone interested in the Heighway Pinball Platform?
« on: August 07, 2014, 02:47:05 PM »
Though we don't know the Aussie distributor as yet, Andrew has said he wants to setup a distributor in Aus along with a selection of spares.

Some of the user friendly improved technology is
- removable flipper mechs that include the flipper bats incorporated in the easy removal allowing maintenance on the bench not with a playfield liffted,
- under playfield lane electronic switches where there are no longer mechanical switches as well as no slots in the playfield, less maintenance and potentially a reduction of crap (dirt) moving around making the playfield dirty
- plug and play new game playfields along with swappable cabinet / translite art, meaning one cabinet and simply change playfields and art for a refreshed playing experience

curious to see who is interested as alot of good ideas here.

For me I am very interested to play and see one in the flesh as well as what other themes will be coming, including Dennis Nordman's creation.
« Last Edit: August 07, 2014, 02:50:47 PM by swinks »

for pinball parts (reproduction & mods)
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Offline Pop Bumper Pete

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I am interested in seeing a game and playing it

Removable playfields does not interest me much
I cannot see that swapping a playfield a andbback glass and ROMS will be much of a saving

Offline oldskool1969

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Hell yeah Dude. I like the idea of internet connection for online tournaments, updates and other stuff.
Shame that the PR is a let down so far? Makes me somewhat sceptical.
Definitely want more info, pricing and runs on the board first though.
If it isn't broke, it isn't pinball.

Offline swinks

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I pretty sure that he is gearing up for a big release soon so PR should improve and they are just working out the last of the bugs, and minor changes like the ramp switches etc to then able to release a complete finished game.

they also went from a standard body to a wide body and reworked the game's art hence the going quiet and delays but it is now looking very nice, big thumbs up for effort.

« Last Edit: August 07, 2014, 05:59:23 PM by swinks »

for pinball parts (reproduction & mods)
for pinball t-shirts

Online Cursed

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I was very keen on this until all the toys got removed.

Interested to see what else they release though as i do like the game swap idea.