Quite often you'll find yourself looking up a specific IC to work out exactly what it does, and how/why it's causing problems on your circuit board.
Usually, with a Google search you'll find the info you need pretty quickly and you're up and running again...
But, sometimes Google can't find what you're searching for... and in the case of IC Datasheets, this happens more often than not!
Today I stumbled across a site I've never seen before that had the obscure IC's datasheet I've been looking for for a while now...
www.digchip.comYou can search using the chip number to find a datasheet, or cross reference search for a direct replacement IC - this can be very handy
The cross reference search confirmed what I had worked out already about the obscure IC and the one I was 99% sure was a direct replacement, and now I have the datasheet as well!