My neon is dead and need confirmation of likely culprit. I ground the neon return black wire and no glow. Pinrepair tells me its the transformer. I test the voltage and I don't get 12v but 15.3 approx. I found a thread where a person has identical problems but was getting 13.2v. She found when the neon worked it was 12v and when it went over that it was dead. Unfortunately there was no solution on this thread, so I dong know if its still dead or not since 2011. Last time I tested the neon I used a 9v battery and it lit up but haven't tried it since.
What are your thoughts as I have replaced a transformer once already, switched driver pcb's with short term success. The good thing is the neon is no longer intermittent, but dead for a long time now. Or is it a chop on the driver pcb? I'm stumped.