I think this is great news world wide for the pinball industry.
Using Stern is a smart move. Planetary Pinball has seen just what it has taken JJP to get a factory and one game up n running and it probably scared the hell out of them and their bank manager probably said no way hosay, are u crazy, go and get someone like Gary Stern to build it.
I have bought new Sterns BNIB unopened/unchecked and have never had a quality issue at all.
I think some people still talking build n quality issues out of Stern haven't been following the work Stern has been doing inhouse since its re-capitalisation (investment company venture) and the machines which have been coming out time after time in excellent order (as a percentage).
It doesn't matter what production company you are in the world (in any industry) there is always going to be a small percenbtage of warranty claims if u involve humans on any production line.
In 5 years time looking back, I reckon Medi-Evil Madness will be one of a dozen games made and designed this same way using Sterns production line which really makes sense financially.
Well done to all parties I reckon. Smart move.