Greetings Everyone,
firstly, can I sincerely thank everyone who has made me feel so welcome having been here only such a short time. Your response to helping me withmy original post has been fabulous. A little history on the gamesroom before you look at the pictures, I have had my collection at a friend's house for around 3 years, in storage. We built a new house a couple of years ago, and the idea was to include a gameroom. Circumstances did not permit me to factor this in a the timeof building house, but six months ago that changed. I had this gamesroom built with a connecting entertainment area with outdoor kitchen (pizza oven going up soon
), between it and the house. Incorporated into the gamesroom is a purpose built workshop for doing all my restoration in. Its a little bit messy and a few cosmetiic things need doing to both the gamesroom and workshop, but from the pictures, the idea is there. Thought it would be wise to have a toilet out here as well
. I have three main benches in the workshop. one for doing the artwork (the one with the sound system on it at the moment; can't restore without music
). A second for all things electronic and a third for doing playfield rebuilds (currently restoring playfield art on a Bally BOWL-O, clearcoating and stuff) and repairs. At the moment, it has the entire wiring loom from the above mentioned BOWL-O, it is being cleaned up.
I have included a shot of the machines in the collection waiting to be assembled. They are all on their backs at teh moment. Lastly, I have included a shot of my nine year old son's workbench. I give him jobs to do. The philosophy is rather simple; teach them young, and pinballl lives another generation. He's a great little man and I love having him out there with me.
My other loves include Soccer, and being Italian, I have a signwriter in the wings waiting to do a little project for me. Basically, I'm dividing the gameroom ceiling up and having seperate "football pitches" painted with shirts corresponding to the players and positions they played in the 4 world cups that Italy won; 1934; 1938; 1982; 2006.
On with the pictures (split across 2 posts; workshop first, then collection), hope you enjoy: