Author Topic: Sunday Pinball Questionaire - part 16 - Pinball-Fixer  (Read 2377 times)

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Sunday Pinball Questionaire - part 16 - Pinball-Fixer
« on: March 14, 2009, 11:45:03 PM »

1. Earliest pinball memory?
2. All time favorite pin? Why?
3. Favorite pinball manufacture?
4. Favorite game in your collection? Why?
5. How long have you been collecting?
6. First game and how did you find it?
7. Do you still have it?
8. What are you currently working on?
9. Most wanted game to add to your collection?
10. Best all time bargain game added to your collection?
11. Worst ever miss – tell us about the one that got away!
12. Worst ever purchase – tell us about the game you wished you never bought
13. Describe your collection
14. Describe your gamesroom
15. Do you have other games other than pinball?
16. Where can you see the hobby in 10 years
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Whenever you are ready, Owen - you missed your turn last sunday !

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Bump !

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OK, seeing as it has been close to a year since I was supposed to answer this... It's probably time I did!

1. Earliest pinball memory?

The earliest I can remember playing pinball was at Top Shots Pool Hall in Kilsyth (VIC). I was playing a Gottlieb Star Gate and having a tough time with it. I had so much trouble getting the ball up the left and right ramps that I just figured that the machine was faulty!
I can't remember what other pinballs were around at the time, but I do remember that the Star Gate caught my eye as it was Space Themed.
I later worked for a company that had the contract for repairing the machines at Top Shots, so I did get in there regularly afterwards... the pinballs disappeared pretty quickly due to high maintenance costs and low income.

2. All time favourite pin? Why?

This is a tough one, but I would have to say Twilight Zone. This is the one machine that always gives me grief! I have only ever completed it once (with the glass on), and can never seem to make all the shots required.
Runners up are Medieval Madness, Simpsons Pinball Party and Attack From Mars.

3. Favourite pinball manufacturer?

Definitely Williams / Bally. They have always had the best build quality, and from a technicians point of view, much easier to repair. They do have their flaws, but no-where near as much as other manufacturers.

4. Favourite game in your collection? Why?

I don't have a collection currently, so this is not a question I can answer.

5. How long have you been collecting?

Technically never, but I have bought and sold pinballs over the years...

6. First game and how did you find it?

The Getaway. Bought it for $1500 from a workmate at A. Hankin and Co. when I was working there about 12 years ago. Was a great earning machine for me out on site...

7. Do you still have it?

Nope, swapped it for a WhiteWater a few years later and got paid around $500 for the privilege... Eventually sold the WhiteWater for $2700 a few years later. So made $1700 plus earnings on the deal over the time I owned both machines.

8. What are you currently working on?

We're currently fully restoring 2 Bally Playboys and a Gottlieb Charlies Angels, along with a Bally KISS, Getaway, Star Wars EP1 and various video games and other amusement machines.

9. Most wanted game to add to your collection?

Would have to be Twilight Zone, but Attack from Mars, Medieval Madness and Simpsons Pinball Party are right up there.

10. Best all time bargain game added to your collection?

Probably the Whitewaer from before... shame I don't own it still...

11. Worst ever miss – tell us about the one that got away!

I had the option to buy a KISS for $500, and convinced the guy to repair it instead... idiot!! LOL. Made a fair bit of money on the deal, but should have bought it, restored it and sold it on...

12. Worst ever purchase – tell us about the game you wished you never bought

Can't say I've had one yet.

13. Describe your collection

Hmmmm, nothing really... LOL

14. Describe your gamesroom?

Don't have one currently...

15. Do you have other games other than pinball?

Yeah, got some video games, and other "related" machines...

16. Where can you see the hobby in 10 years?

This is a hard question... 10 years ago I saw it moving into the home market. Hence why I made myself a specialist in pinball repair when every other amusement technician was making themselves specialists in video games. These days I'm not so sure... many pinballs are being brought into the country each year, but the repairs side is staying constant.
From what I'm seeing, pinball sales will drop off over the next 5 years as the people who grew up with them will either have one (or more), or not be able to afford one in the first place.
I now think that we are getting to the point where the people who can own a pinball already do, and the ones who would like one are priced out of the market. This coupled with he fact that pinballs are no longer in pubs and the like, and the newer potential buyers are not getting younger.
So basically from what I'm seeing the age group of pinball owners is not changing, meaning that we are getting close to saturation point, and sales will drop off.

Having said all of that, I think that the hobby will be alive and strong for many years to come. And with the amount of machines now in the home market with people who are collectors, we will see pinball alive and strong for at least another 20 years.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2010, 12:24:11 AM by pinball-fixer »

Offline Strangeways

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Was worth the wait, Owen  ^^^

I remember the days when KISS machines were sold for $500 - and that was considered "expensive". How things have changed.

you need to find the time to start a collection !
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How things have changed indeed... If you found a KISS for $500 these days, you'd pounce on it!

It's not about finding time to build a collection, more about space at the moment. I know exactly which machines I'll be buying once I have a place of my own, but that's a while away yet.

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Great stuff Owen  ^^^

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Thanks for taking the time out to answer that - some interesting thoughts there.