$.$my e-bay crap flash wont boot at all.powers on now after changing line filter.had it boot to audits,once and had a game on it once.after doing the quick power on/off/on trick, hit a lane switch and died.changed battery holder,was delaminated,changed cmos 5101 ram.with anti-static strap to earth.
powered up with both leds stuck on.replaced 40 pin interconect pins/socket and all header pins for reliability.ordered new roms,socket all scanbee and mpu with machined pin sockets.
this has been a project over a couple of months now.and the order of thing i have done to it may not be correct.tried new 6800 cpu,tried another cmos 5101,tried new roms from j wart.about to give up and buy a rottendog board replacement...
any help or advice would be much appreciated,damien
ps i can`t find that leon test rom i bought