Hi there,
I'm going to get this out there right away... I haven't even touched a pinnie for almost 20 years!
The newest machine I can remember playing from back then was probably World Cup Soccer(1994) but the last machine I actually played was likely to be an earlier machine like Adams family or Twilight zone, Dr Who, WhiteWater or something like that at TimeZone.
My favourite machines though are from the mid to late 80's, Games like High Speed, Banzai Run, Getaway, Taxi etc etc.
My fav pinnie of all time is Cyclone. i don't know why.. it just really grabbed my attention. I dropped so many coins in that machine as a kid that I could probably have bought it!
Which is something I hope to do soon... find one in decent condition, but if not then I'll be happy with any decent late 80's machine.
I have a pinball horror story.... I reckon you all value your sleep and probably don't much enjoy nightmares and cold sweats, so I'll spare it for another time... however, anyone that has seen the "Special When Lit" documentary has seen similar and would probably be desensitisad a little ;)