Author Topic: The Future Direction of Aussie Pinball  (Read 45044 times)

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Re: The Future Direction of Aussie Pinball
« Reply #60 on: May 08, 2013, 07:10:37 PM »
The future of Aussie pinball should be a place where everyone gets along and focuses on making the site fun like its always been.
I have taken peoples criticism onboard, there is not much more to do except to keep the site flowing along with positive stuff.

People like myself and Swinksy, who post a lot and open a lot of threads, do so to make the place a bit interesting and entertaining when not much is happening.
I thought I was doing a good thing by making a big effort and doing threads to keep some content up to the site when little was being posted.
I am sure Swinksy feels the same about all of the content he has also added.
The tech threads I do read, they inform me, but they dont entertain me. Stuff about Metallica, or Sterns latest pinball, or a discussion thread about Wizard of OZ or the new Colour DMD displays etc, entertain me. I always thought, all this activity, posting these threads would help the site, not hinder it, cause I thought people would just skip over it if it didn't interest them. It had nothing to do with big noting, it had to do with trying to add value when the site was very quiet.

Anyway, my hope for the site is we all get along, move on from the past, read what we want, don't read what we don't, and for censorship to stay to a minimum, because I reckon as adults, we can all politely sort our differences out from now on.
The site is great already. I am hoping that by leaving the layout the same way it is now, will keep it great. Either way, as long as people are having fun on here, that's all that matters. Long live Pinball.

i couldn't have said it better.+1
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Re: The Future Direction of Aussie Pinball
« Reply #61 on: May 08, 2013, 07:32:11 PM »
With nino now involved in his "australian pinball restorations" and nick with medical problems.I think this is all about the comitment to keep this forum going,ie mods time and input.Plus the expense of server storage and ongoing costs ascosiated with running a hugely succesfull forum.I think the administration need to come clean with their intentions,and desires for moving forward,and hope it does not offend too many members.
My 2 bobs worth.

The intention is CLEARLY stated here - - please refer to the OP !
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Re: The Future Direction of Aussie Pinball
« Reply #62 on: May 08, 2013, 07:48:58 PM »
I as others are probably curious of what your thoughts are Admin (assuming collective for Nino / Nick) of what has been said so far, agree, disagree, confirmed your desires "As administrators, we personally would rather see one good restoration thread than ten opinions on the latest and greatest."

Interested to hear your take on peoples ideas are so far ????, as it may encourage some re-fined discussion.

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Re: The Future Direction of Aussie Pinball
« Reply #63 on: May 08, 2013, 09:15:58 PM »
I as others are probably curious of what your thoughts are Admin (assuming collective for Nino / Nick) of what has been said so far, agree, disagree, confirmed your desires "As administrators, we personally would rather see one good restoration thread than ten opinions on the latest and greatest."

Interested to hear your take on peoples ideas are so far ????, as it may encourage some re-fined discussion.

No problems, Jady. There's nothing to hide.

We are collating the responses that are adhering to the OP. Unfortunately, the thread start to go off topic and we had to clean it up (twice). It was never intended to be a running commentary based on any individuals. It should be based on individual's comments regarding the OP.

What I (as admin, hobbyist, collector etc etc) cannot understand, is that I've said, "from Day 1" - "The forum is only as good as its members" - "We" as "admins and owners" are asking for input and feedback on the site content and which direction should we grow into (if any). Some REALLY helpful responses indicated that we "older guys" are more into restorations, and the amount of info that was available in 2008, is basically common knowledge - making the OLDER "school of thought" redundant. Cool - THAT'S what we want to know.. We are asking YOU (The forum is only as good as its members) to help US.

Wotto was one of the restoration pioneers in this country. I've know him a long time. His shift has been from one of the best restorers, to a "player" - that has others restore his games for him. He liked old school machines, he now loves DMDs and particularly Sterns. I know Wotto VERY well. So I know his situation - but I / WE don't know OTHER member's situations.

Other comments - "it ain't broke, so don't fix it"  %.%

That's a PRIME example of what we want to take note of. That is following the OP, and that's the kind of info we want to KNOW.

In my old "professional life", we did a company survey every year as part of "Best Practices" - to find out information that would help ASSIST EVERYONE. All this thread was supposed to do is find areas where the FORUM was lacking. Not people's opinions on each other, or opinions on our moderation style. If we wanted to know that, we would have asked. in all honesty, if anyone does not like the way we moderate or admin the site, then do what we did and start your own Forum !

Suggestions that we "have already decided", and other weird theories are simply not based on the facts. As to "what" we have decided when we have CLEARLY ASKED members their opinion is just bizarre and paranoia. Many have clearly understood the OP, and have answered as requested.  Those comments will assist us greatly for our attempt to improve AP.

What we DO KNOW, is several members have decided to leave AP, or not contribute as actively as they did in the past. We want to know if it is because of the forum direction - which for the last 2 years, has changed. Maybe the Forum has not changed with the times ? The software is circa 2008 ! Maybe this forum DICTATED the hobby for a while, but that is no longer the case ?

What has not changed is the forum Software. This is now a MASSIVE undertaking that has to be outsourced. There are technical challenges ahead that have risks associated and costs involved. Is it worth it if members are leaving or don't want to participate ?

Then there is my obvious "conflict of interest" - as one of the originators of AP, as the biggest spammer on AP, as a Commercial Business on AP. Is this "arrangement" affecting AP ? Is it time for me to move on ? As some are aware, the hours Nick and I put into the running of the site are massive.

We ask ourselves ;

Is this worth the effort - Should we just forget about it and shut shop. Is the site redundant ?
Are people still enjoying AP as they did 2 - 3 years ago. Should we go back to our roots ?
Should we be investing MORE sections into the NEW manufacturers / Stern / JJP ?
Should we spend the time and money updating the forum, which will bear additional costs and an increase in a Commercial Presence (which history has shown does not necessarily work).

It is all about improvement or "lack of" improvement (you tell us). For some reason, some responses are just way off topic. This is no Spanish Inquisition ! It is about SELF IMPROVEMENT. How can WE make the FORUM better ?

There are a lot of questions that can be answered by reading the OP, and answering the questions without pointing fingers. If a member does not want to contribute - that's ok ! But admins will continue to archive comments that are not complying / adhering with our request.

I don't know what else to say. It is that simple !
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Re: The Future Direction of Aussie Pinball
« Reply #64 on: May 08, 2013, 10:10:27 PM »
You ask for feedback, but say you only want certain types of feedback.
Whats the point if people are muzzled. It seems like a complete waste of time to me. Still confused as to what you are asking for, as others have alluded to ?

I think you should be interested in what people think about the moderation, or un-necessary moderation. That also affects the future of the site.
I mean, you dont want to be surrounded by YES MEN do you ? Nothing grows without honest, unmuzzled feedback.
I suggested months ago via PM, to send out a anonymous feedback email for people to send back in anonymously if u really wanted the truth.
I just don't think you can ask for feedback, then tell people what feedback they are allowed, or not allowed to post/send in. Does that make sense ?

The stats page shows we have more members joining every month than ever, 50, 70, 90 members joining each month. The site should be focusing on the new members, not a handful who have left...just saying.

The forum will be fine, as long as the basic changes are made, that everyone has already asked for/if any.
We all love this site. Hopefully the focus is on the future and not the past.
Then its all FUN. I am sure every member will work towards that.
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Re: The Future Direction of Aussie Pinball
« Reply #65 on: May 08, 2013, 10:33:50 PM »
Thanks Nino for taking the time sharing an update and some more depth to the intersection at the crossroads that you guys are at.

So better understanding here are some of my refined ideas, thoughts and feelings:
- I do not have the time unfortunately to do restorations though would dearly love to (2 young children demand my time)
- I have 2 pins that don't have much to be done on them except play and personalise them hence my passion for mods as I view it as adding your own personality to a stock standard game - just like a car, a house - adding your touch. This well may change when I have time to restore a pin and I go through the motions of restoring a game to it's original condition
- What I have found tiring on the forum the last 6 months is the personal comments against various people - like being back at school and is just a turn off. I also not a fan of the short one liner zero substance posts in some threads - personal thing.
- What I like in the beginning 2 years ago when I started reading and posting was getting the help from unknown enthusiasts willing to help a fellow pinballer. I do believe this has dropped off, as for a reason I can't answer that - that's for the guys that use to answer and help. But sure people life's priorities change and you can't always give of your time for what ever the reason.
- From a neutral observation, I like that I can select what new threads to read by the title and the group it is from so I can skip it and read it.
- As for software, very happy with the 15 recent posts, can almost cover an average day of forum activity, maybe bump up to 25 most recent posts but this was a welcome change from the recent 5 post option a little while ago
- bad thing about the software is the search function isn't very successful but hence the more groups created helped steer people into a category of threads they are searching which helps, so once you learn the site it is good

Overall AP is a good site, and I am known for posting new news from pinside which may annoy the crap for some but I do it as feel some people enjoy just as much as I do. But for me when I go to pinside I am lucky to look at 1% of threads on a daily basis and only read things that catch my eye. But if it is preferred I can stop with those posts.

In addition it does sound like alot effort and cost to keep this going and only a passion / desire ensures this will continue which is really left to you guys. If your loosing the motivation it then sadly it affects us all but that is up you and we need to respect that as nothing worse than doing something if it is a drag or a chore to do.

Hope this helps

« Last Edit: May 08, 2013, 10:37:13 PM by swinks »

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Re: The Future Direction of Aussie Pinball
« Reply #66 on: May 08, 2013, 10:53:39 PM »
+ 1 swinks comments

I have donated money to the forum in the past a number of times and was happy to do so. It used to appear near our Avatar names but after a site software upgrade it disappeared ?
If the forum would appreciate some more resources $$$, I am sure a thread asking for assistance would have every member, man n his dog lined up to help. Would this help you.

Also, make Swinks and say someone like Retropin or Homepin moderators, and why don't Nino and Nick take a trial break for 3 months only, or pick your own moderators.? Maybe a fresh look from that point of view might be good as a trial ? give the current mods a short rest...Cant hurt to try....
« Last Edit: May 08, 2013, 10:57:45 PM by Caveoftreasures »
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Re: The Future Direction of Aussie Pinball
« Reply #67 on: May 08, 2013, 11:09:28 PM »
Some of us don't have time to copy and paste 20 times consecutively
And keep starting threads non stop

Maybe management needs to get some others on board to help
Manage the incoming content, big job for two people and as
Stated the site keeps growing.. And so is pinball and the interest

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Re: The Future Direction of Aussie Pinball
« Reply #68 on: May 08, 2013, 11:25:47 PM »
thanks for the +1 cavey but I am the moderator for the mods section already but in all honesty that has been run fairly smoothly due to the it being a more factual section rather than the emotions that exist more in the general discussion section.

Don't know if that was a dig at me Replay, but as for the copy and paste, yes guilty for doing it but hey apart from resto's and opinions we all have repeated something we have heard, read or seen. I just like to keep it in context and quote it, and not strip and reword as if it was my creation - so just keeping it honest to the originator, I just don't read many threads apart from a handful of late - metallica, spooky, predator, creature hologram options and then just play more pinball. I remember 2 years ago when I got my first pin and I got on the forum and said look at these guys on the forum 24/7 and not playing pinball and I thought they were crazy. I became one of them so now I want to get back to the fun side of things and treat the forum as more of a relaxing read at smoko, a great resource for fixups and also see if I can assist helping someone else.

In addition to Cavey's suggestion and my place in life at the moment, I want to spend more time with my growing family, start a bit of a dream project and have a possible on the side business venture that will incorporate pinball into part (which I will share in good time) of it so something has to give and that will be time spent here unfortunately, will still pop in for a read and post but limit to a quick 1/4 to 1/2 hour most days with far less copy and paste - insert "thank god" here for some.
« Last Edit: May 08, 2013, 11:31:53 PM by swinks »

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Re: The Future Direction of Aussie Pinball
« Reply #69 on: May 09, 2013, 07:46:19 AM »
Nino, if it is going to be too costly to upgrade the forum , con cider archiving what exists and starting fresh

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Re: The Future Direction of Aussie Pinball
« Reply #70 on: May 09, 2013, 10:24:02 AM »
This not being able to edit posts is REALLY pissing me off!!!!!!

I am a stickler for correct spelling and punctuation so, when I make a typo etc, I want to be able to correct that.

To be frank - this will prevent me from bothering to post much as it annoys me so much.....
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Re: The Future Direction of Aussie Pinball
« Reply #71 on: May 09, 2013, 10:35:29 AM »
This not being able to edit posts is REALLY pissing me off!!!!!!

I am a stickler for correct spelling and punctuation so, when I make a typo etc, I want to be able to correct that.

To be frank - this will prevent me from bothering to post much as it annoys me so much.....

That annoys me too Mike, but I can understand why it was implemented, when someone posts an opinion that starts a debate or arguement, then the person goes back and changes their initial comment it loses all its context, and that shits me way more.

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Re: The Future Direction of Aussie Pinball
« Reply #72 on: May 09, 2013, 10:41:32 AM »

Overall AP is a good site, and I am known for posting new news from pinside which may annoy the crap for some but I do it as feel some people enjoy just as much as I do. But for me when I go to pinside I am lucky to look at 1% of threads on a daily basis and only read things that catch my eye. But if it is preferred I can stop with those posts.

I like the fact that you post stuff here from wherever, I do not have enough time to look at any other forums regularly so it keeps me up to date without having to find the info myself, if I don't like a topic I skip past it.

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Re: The Future Direction of Aussie Pinball
« Reply #73 on: May 09, 2013, 11:13:11 AM »
I like the fact that you post stuff here from wherever, I do not have enough time to look at any other forums regularly so it keeps me up to date without having to find the info myself, if I don't like a topic I skip past it.

+1 .. can't see any harm in it myself , and as Swinksy said, better to paste what the poster said rather than editing it
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Re: The Future Direction of Aussie Pinball
« Reply #74 on: May 09, 2013, 11:21:31 AM »
I like the fact that you post stuff here from wherever, I do not have enough time to look at any other forums regularly so it keeps me up to date without having to find the info myself, if I don't like a topic I skip past it.

+1 .. can't see any harm in it myself , and as Swinksy said, better to paste what the poster said rather than editing it

100% agree - I don't have time to read all forums, and really appreciate the stuff you post Swinks.
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