Author Topic: The Future Direction of Aussie Pinball  (Read 45049 times)

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Re: The Future Direction of Aussie Pinball
« Reply #30 on: May 05, 2013, 02:17:13 PM »
Well as a newbie to the forum I came here looking for technical help and also wanting to check out the trading section.  I have since really enjoyed the restoration threads and reading those have given me the confidence to think about doing one myself when I can find the right pin.  I wouldn't attempt it tho without knowing I could come back here throughout the process and pick the brains of the generous and experienced members who share their knowledge.

So when I login I check the trading section first then the restoration thread.

As for the General Section, let me start by saying what I don't like about Pinside (I will relate it back to this forum).  On pinside you have people that seem to want to be a celebrity amongst the forum, they have a character or persona that they seem to love to play. They thrive on being known.  Little men playing games on the internet if you ask me.  So I have to say I don't see Pinside as a very friendly site for people to post on as you get clowns that just rip into them for having a different opinion.  Similarly, people seem to talk down or completely ignore you if you don't have the same level of expertise or knowledge on  something when it comes to technical stuff and finding/fixing faults. It also seems very clicky  Fortunately I don't see much of this on here which is what has kept me logging in and checking the site out.  The General Section does suffer on the odd occasion from the above scenario, but nothing significant or continual which is good.

On a separate note I have to say as a newbie it took me so long to find all the sections on the forum.  I honestly posted in a section once then it took me ages to find it again next time I logged in.  there are so many sub forums, I started to try and count them once and I think I lost count after 30.  There were subforum inside subsections inside subsections.

But in summary I really like the forum and it would be a shame if people with a wealth of knowledge leave it.  Certainly from my selfish perspective as someone that wants to learn more, I would hate to see them go.  Even with all the new pins and progress happening in pinball, the fact is they always bloody breakdown and get hammered so we are always going to need good technical and restoration threads regardless of where Stern, JJP et al take the hobby.  So I hope this site can continue to be a wealth of knowledge in that area.

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Re: The Future Direction of Aussie Pinball
« Reply #31 on: May 05, 2013, 04:07:32 PM »
On a separate note I have to say as a newbie it took me so long to find all the sections on the forum.  I honestly posted in a section once then it took me ages to find it again next time I logged in.  there are so many sub forums, I started to try and count them once and I think I lost count after 30.  There were subforum inside subsections inside subsections.

Can't help but agree with this.  This site is unwordly with the amount of forums headers and sub forums it contains.  From a design perspective - this needs to be addressed.   I consider it to vast - it might be ok if you grew with it - but for a new comer - its too much to work out where everything is - and to find something again.  I mainly stick to the UNREAD section of the forum and tend to drift through the current updated topics that interest me.

I like the site - visit it almost daily - and it has been invaluable for me in entering this hobby.  Don't see an endemic problems on the site.  Not really sure why the site is at a crossroads????

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Re: The Future Direction of Aussie Pinball
« Reply #32 on: May 05, 2013, 11:19:35 PM »
I was one to say if you don't like a topic don't read it, but also mentioned that there is too much nasty stuff too. The problem is I may like a topic in the beginning and really would like to see how it progresses but then find it turns into a slinging match between certain people. What I want I for those people to ignore each other and save me (and maybe others) the pain of having to bypass this stuff. Notice I'm not talking for others but sometimes self censorship doesn't work and I find myself frustrated getting shitty of the in fighting.

I truly believe the tech threads have come to a grinding halt. I seem to recall look in daily for a week or so and finding the same tech problem at the top with no new replies. Now I know this is not pinball. You can't own pinball and not have problems and I know we are all not experts (and now I'm talking for others  %.%). This also tells me that many of the  guys who used to give me great advise have gone. This is not healthy  *.*

Lets hope we can recover before its too late. If I'm wrong the worst that can happen is nothing  ^^^
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Re: The Future Direction of Aussie Pinball
« Reply #33 on: May 06, 2013, 08:24:57 AM »
I was one to say if you don't like a topic don't read it, but also mentioned that there is too much nasty stuff too. The problem is I may like a topic in the beginning and really would like to see how it progresses but then find it turns into a slinging match between certain people. What I want I for those people to ignore each other and save me (and maybe others) the pain of having to bypass this stuff. Notice I'm not talking for others but sometimes self censorship doesn't work and I find myself frustrated getting shitty of the in fighting.

I truly believe the tech threads have come to a grinding halt. I seem to recall look in daily for a week or so and finding the same tech problem at the top with no new replies. Now I know this is not pinball. You can't own pinball and not have problems and I know we are all not experts (and now I'm talking for others  %.%). This also tells me that many of the  guys who used to give me great advise have gone. This is not healthy  *.*

Lets hope we can recover before its too late. If I'm wrong the worst that can happen is nothing  ^^^

Not too sure about this one.  When a tech type thread is raised e.g. Delarge's transformer thread at the moment, there is excellent help available.  On the other side of the coin, there may not be as many tech help type threads because the forum has been successful in that many of us can now fault find and repair the majority of issues that come up from time to time.  With the help of documents like the Pinrepair guides as well and the internet as a whole, there just isn't the need to ask for help with every fault with the machines.

When the need arises, there is always someone willing to step up to the plate to offer some guidance, God bless 'em.
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Re: The Future Direction of Aussie Pinball
« Reply #34 on: May 06, 2013, 09:27:29 AM »
Hi All,

Nice discussion. From what I can gather from what people have posted so far it seems to me that the problem here is twofold:

1. Members who like posts relating to pinball restoration are finding it hard to access these without having to look through a whole lot of content unrelated to restorations.

2. Members who have been on here for some time are finding that this site no longer represents their interests and provides a sense of community around Pinball restoration.

If this is the case (we will have to ask those who have raised the concerns), then I think that Swinks' proposal of dividing the site into Old School and New School sections would be a good solution because it may overcome these two problems. Then, under these two main headings, a few clear and simple subheadings could be designed specifically to tailor to each "school". Having said that, I would hope that some of the older hands would, from time to time, chime in on "New School" topics, as their insights about new developments are often very interesting.

I also imagine that this would represent a major overhaul of the site and it might be difficult to organise the older content to fit the new format?

Cheers, SV.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2013, 09:31:25 AM by solar value »

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Re: The Future Direction of Aussie Pinball
« Reply #35 on: May 06, 2013, 09:43:36 AM »
I never go looking at specific sections - I just click on "new posts since your last visit" and skip over things that either have a pathetic heading (such as "please help.." with NO description of the help wanted in the heading) or I don't feel interested in.
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Re: The Future Direction of Aussie Pinball
« Reply #36 on: May 06, 2013, 09:59:42 AM »
My 2 cents worth.

Newish to the forum, but think it's great as it is.

I can understand how it's changed over the years, as pinball has changed too. In the past, it was about keeping older machines alive, and you did have to be very technical to own games as they needed regular maintenance. Now, with Stern, JJP etc making new machines, you can but NIB and have years of relatively trouble free game playing. So the focus shifts.

After using the forum for a few months, found navigation quite easy, with the review to own posts tab very helpful. I don't think anything needs to change. I'm just sorry that we seem to have encountered the "generation gap" that happens in music, trends, clothing, TV and everything else, where "in my day, it wasn't like this" seems to be happening.

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Re: The Future Direction of Aussie Pinball
« Reply #37 on: May 06, 2013, 10:22:20 AM »
yes there are threads that hold no interest for me such as WoZ and metallica which I just ignore. like all forums, there is a need for  ignoring the stuff that doesn't interest you and soak up the threads that are relevant to you.

I cant suggest any changes to the forum, rather, I just ask those awesome contributors who are not as active these days to "mark as read" the threads they feel are crap

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Re: The Future Direction of Aussie Pinball
« Reply #38 on: May 06, 2013, 11:40:32 AM »
Its not a question of "old school" and "new school".. its all pinball to me. I LIKE the fact that Stern picked up Wade and Dirty Donnys METALLICA and ran with it.. the shift to non photoshopped artwork is such a huge step in the right direction. Im not big on the band ( wish theyd done this with Rolling Stones).. but the pin?? Will be a cracker for sure and a huge seller.. im all for it!
Recently played Cow Corners XMen.. great game to play.. finish isnt what id like but game play is a blast.. so its not old Vs new.
Im all for well constructed opinions.. im all for the Mods ( we are the Mods..We are the mods!!).. its how the entity known as pinball progresses, but when i log onto a thread that i was following to find its been continually compared to how great another company would do it.. or how great this manufacturer is with jaded truths.. then the back up arguments.. the notifications of emails sent.. followed by the replies ( this is OK as it is actually SOMETHING).

Also...Its a pinball forum... PINBALL.. not a place to forgive the dead for past transgressions..

..This isnt facebook or Twitter.. i cant keep logging in here to fill my life with petty updates and trivia.. thats something i try to keep out of my life - ive no time for it.
In the past, ive made the mistake of trying to steer the forum back on track to "real" and factual posts which has led to a few online heated debates. In the interests of the forum ive have ceased doing this by steering clear.. noone wants to read it, but if im to be active, then i cant sit back and allow fantasy and propaganda to fill this forum..

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Re: The Future Direction of Aussie Pinball
« Reply #39 on: May 06, 2013, 02:44:31 PM »
The forum works well how it is. As many people have already said, if you don't like the thread, don't read it.
I don't see why change is needed because one or two people throw a hissy fit and threaten to leave.

Offline Freiherr

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Re: The Future Direction of Aussie Pinball
« Reply #40 on: May 06, 2013, 03:46:20 PM »
In summary, so long as people take the definition point 1 and not points 2 or 3 from the Oxford dictionary, then everyone will be happy:

Definition of forum

noun (plural forums)

a meeting or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged:
we hope these pages act as a forum for debate
an Internet site where users can post comments about a particular issue or topic and reply to other users' postings;
a message board.
chiefly North American a court or tribunal.

(plural fora /ˈfɔːrə/) (in an ancient Roman city) a public square or marketplace used for judicial and other business.
If you don't remember the 70s then you were on drugs.
If you remember playing pinball in the 70s you were having a good time.
If you don't remember anything,  then read about it here,

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Re: The Future Direction of Aussie Pinball
« Reply #41 on: May 06, 2013, 06:00:43 PM »
In terms of the Forum, I would be one that sits in the background and reads members posts on an interest only basis.

I have been fortunate to learn many things from some very knowledgeable people and have also made some great friendships with some forum members. I have found that if I need help there is always someone to offer advice or assistance and in my opinion the current home page breaks down the many categories that one may be interested in.

In terms of perceived negativity, as with life, I engage with those that I can help and/or assist and appreciate the same afforded to me by people far more knowledgeable than I, but avoid people I perceive to be obnoxious or condescending in any way.

So for me the Forum provides a great resource and wealth of information with some funny and interesting interactions along the way.

I would like it to stay the way it is.

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Re: The Future Direction of Aussie Pinball
« Reply #42 on: May 06, 2013, 06:50:07 PM »
I can see this thread starting to deteriorate and go much the same way as many others.

Sorry if I contributed but still hold firm, there are elements that seem to be want to push points forever. If I seem to over step the mark or even get insulted I pull away and hope a thread gets back on track. Those I think are the problem aren't bad people, but like I said a long time ago, need to just settle down and dump the thread if people just don't get their point. You sometimes can't change people's opinions and should realize this and don't bother trying. Your friends know where you're coming from so stop stressing

Btw I'm just trying to explain how I see the problem and not pushing or offering a solution as honestly I do not believe there is one

I'd like an impartial person(s) to evaluate how this thread has moved way off from how to improve the site and point out those that have brought it back to the same problem. I'm happy to be found out if I have contributed and then will have a good hard look at myself. Thanks
« Last Edit: May 06, 2013, 06:53:43 PM by pinball god »
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Offline Freiherr

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Re: The Future Direction of Aussie Pinball
« Reply #43 on: May 06, 2013, 07:17:16 PM »
What is the problem?who is pointing the finger?I just can't see it.Or are you talking about me?lol. %.%

Maybe some posts get deleted before some members can read them.
If you don't remember the 70s then you were on drugs.
If you remember playing pinball in the 70s you were having a good time.
If you don't remember anything,  then read about it here,

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Re: The Future Direction of Aussie Pinball
« Reply #44 on: May 06, 2013, 07:38:44 PM »
Yep. thread has gone astray

The original topic was about the direction this forum is headed

Now it is about trying to lay blame against a person/persons

This attitude has always destroyed forums, argue the issue, not the man
Playing personal politics will only send more members away