WARNING: This material contains content from a complete newbie to pinball repair and electronics.
Hi all,
1000 games later and my hobby with pinball machines finally starts
I have a problem with my Judge Dredd pinball where during game play the 'Chain Feature' game (Battle Tank, Sniper, Impersonator, etc) will randomly start. Coincidentally when this occurs I hear a coil fire (only once) from what I believe or sounds like the right hand side of the play-field. This random start and coil firing is consisted every time. (I am right in thinking that coils and solenoids are one and the same?)
What I have done so far, with my limited knowledge.
1. Switch Test - each switch tested returned the what was listed in the manual correctly.
Only question, with the main ball trough the test came back with a different sound accompanied with a (A) in the Switch display for each of the 6 opto sensors. I couldn't find what the (A) meant but it may be that the balls are still in the trough?
2. Have gone over the underneath of the play-field but not really sure what I am looking for, except maybe a loose wire, but haven't found anything!
3. 1/4 quarter of the way through reading "Electronics for Dummies' so I have some basic electronic concept and I must admit its making more sense.
Thanks for any help.