Here are a few quick snaps if some of my non pinball coin op
Coin operated power meter which is hooked up to all my pinball machines
Some old gumballs and peanut vender
Sorry Gav a 1950 us marshals shooting gallery
A 1950s flip ball
A par 5 coin flicker game
Not sure how old but around 50-60s home use smoke vending machine
A fortune teller type deal
A break open ticket machine
A 1964 rowe Tropicanna jukebox (thanks niƱo)
A 1952 genco 400 vertical pinball
1960 bally bandit
More countertop things stress level fortune teller breathalyzer and a love meter
Coin op Roberto foosball workbench
Electronic dartboard
Guessing 60-70 Pooltable
Avery scales
Coin op dodgem car (well half)
And a payphone