Here's one for you.
I haven't watched the last 12 months meaningly so I can buy the entire disk set for myself for Xmas and have a Walking Dead marathon at home with coke and popcorn and chocolate in hand over the holidays when I have heaps of time.
I have meaningly stayed away from all facebook and Internet sites so I don't get any spoilers.
So it would be appreciated very much if this thread stayed on topic about the pinball only cause I am sure others are a bit behind and are catching up as well.
Maybe a "TV Show TWDead" thread can be started so people don't discuss and spoil the TV stuff for others, pretty please ! Lol
Re the factory topper being expensive, yeh maybe, maybe not, but it's convenient for those who don't want to build there own or muck around with wiring mods they don't have the electronics skill to design and make work without blowing up the machine, lol
Hey guys, when was anything to do with pinball ever not be expensive ? Lol
This pinball hobby at any level is a luxury item/expensive sport/hobby for anyone really.
But, as they say, quality doesn't come cheap. So to me, we all have the best hobby on the planet.
Pinball is the best fun with your clothes on probably. ???...

Anyway, Nino makes a good point for those with time and the skills, making your own topper is also a great idea if you want unique while sharing your inventive and creative skills/ideas.
TWDead, what a dam cool pinny and fun subject.
Sometimes I wish the whole world was really like the Walking Dead, lol. It would be a lot easier without all these modern day responsibilities we all have in this modern world.
Only downside, you would have to play your pinnies connected to a petrol/diesel generator cause electricity would probably be off everywhere. ? Generators are noisy, and so is playing a pinny machine, so here come the zombies who are attracted to noise. Play at your own peril. Lol