Picked up some games today from Strangeways latest container.
One game is for the office – Elvis because my business partner is a huge fan, and it seemed the ideal choice.
Having seen and purchased some of the games Strangeways brings in, I was pretty sure they would be at the better end.
This game was still plastic wrapped from shipping, so even Strangeways did not know what to expect - the photos were not super high res, although it was described as a nice one and he only buys from the quality supplier...
This game looks almost unplayed! You start to realise what a gem this one is when you look in the cab and the coin tray lid still has it's pin, and the manual is still stuck to the side of the cabinet.
We gave it a twice over, and due to its incredible condition we determined it could be fired up without anything further being done.Game needed no adjustments (other than language settings) and was playable right away.
I haven't gone into the settings yet, but the number of plays can't be high - zero playfield dimpling, perfect plastics, no wear anywhere. Interestingly there is a set of rubber pin footies inside, not something I'd expect from an operator game.
To top it off, the game is fully LED - not something you'd expect an operator to do, so now we are wondering about its history - maybe this was a home game that ended up with an operator for a short time?
The total work required on this game comes to -
1. checking fuse values;
2. change plug;
3. change display rom;
4. white rubbers only due to preference;
5. nifty and a rag, some novus and carnuba.
But the best is for last - Strangeways noticed this first, and a few of us had to take a photo. This game traveled half way around the world, was on its end when I got to it, stood up and unwrapped.
Look where the balls were sitting when we started examining the game.