This was one aesthetically beaten up machine.
I actually forgot to takes initial photos. The game did boot up, but was unplayable. Problems I will sort out during the rebuild.
Decals were absolutely beyond cleaning up – replacement decals are not available from the usual sources, but fortunately I have been able to source reproduction decals from Overseas. Yes they cost me more with the Aussie dollar as it is, but had little choice. They appear to be excellent quality with brilliant colours. Hopefully they apply well.
Playfield was as expected very dirty. But combo of Magic eraser, Nifty, Novus, Mr Sheen and polish has made a massive improvement.
Base of the cabinet had slightly popped, a pinch bar and chisel worked it back into place, and reglued. Using a hypodermic needle helps squeezing glue into difficult areas.
Lots of sanding. I use a belt sander with 80 - 120 grit paper to revile what I have. The belt sander is heavy and caution must be used as a slip or overbalance can very quickly remove too much.
Body filler, sand, and usually body filler again to fine tune. Finish off with an orbital sander 240 grit.
Spray primmer filler coat. Experts out there might get this in one process. After the first application, hand block sand with 400 grit wet and dry paper. I wasn’t completely happy with it, so applied a second coat, then 400 grit paper to an almost mirror smooth finish.
Very difficult to take photos of the black finish. I reckon it looks and feels better in person !
The finish is automotive enamel from Super Cheap Auto. Clean up sux, but I feel the finish is tougher and more durable than acrylic.
Cabinet will sit for at least 2-3 weeks to harder and de-gas before decals applied.
Now starting on the rebuild of all the mechanism under the playfield.
Updates to come.