Just fitted the brand new three slot coin door i bought from
http://www.pinballspareparts.com.au/ (Mark C as most of us already know).
Great lookin' door thats for sure.
Any way as it is a later model door than my pin it had a few differences. The wiring is sligtly different, like the slam tilt switch has a different return wire on the newer door as on the old door it shares a common return with the coin switches and high score reset button + all the switches on the common return i just mentioned have a diode but none of the switches on the new door have a diode.The last difference with the new & old door is that there a 4 diagnostic / adjustment buttons which are all momentry buttons which share all one common with the coin switches and with no diodes and the old door has 3 buttons, 2 share the same return with no diode and one shares the return with the coin switches and sliam tilt. Plus the middle button is different than the outer 2, The outer 2 are momentry but the center one is a push to turn on push again to turn off.