no one ever sells a profitable business(generally for those with dictionary's) People only sell business's which are losing money or just breaking even. if a business is making money, and the owner is sick of working, they usually install a manager to run things, and the owner sits at home and collects the profits.
it begs the question, why bother buying a business which is not making money.
my father has been a real estate agent for close to 50 years. I have seen it time n time again. people pay 700 grand like in this case, and u get absolutely nothing for your money, unless there is say 500 grands worth of stock, and u have only paid a few hundred grand for the business. still, it can be a very costly exercise.
I hope the fellow makes money, but he has alot of work to do to get people to send their money his way, when alot of us already have great relationships with our chosen sellers already. it will be interesting to see what happens.