I only realised there was discussion on the eBay Phoenix machine today after a phone call form Mr Gorgar, he scared the crap out of me when he said, have you heard about that Phoenix you won on eBay, mind you I was 2.5 hours down the road to go and pick it up by that stage. I had placed a sniper bid on the machine half way through the listing, I was more interested in the old school motorised rocking Kangaroo machine the same seller had listed.
Anyway, long story short, I won both auctions and picked up both machines today.
The Phoenix is a project and a half but hopefully it will come back to life. Seller was OK, only the wife was there today, she also happened to be pregnant so I had some fun loading the machines by myself but after a few swear words under my breath and a four hour trip home I have another project to add to the list.