First, let me say that this idea was stolen from Mark C. and several pinball modding pioneers.
My good mate Elkor-Alish suggested that I should convert my TAF to a Black version - but I said "don't be silly"
However, the idea Festered away (excuse the pun) and eventually work began.
Here is a list of changes so far:
* Legs, bolts & lockdown all powdercoated textured black
* New Stern black siderails with integral finger guards
* Black flipper buttons
* Black shooter housing
* Custom price cards using Fiddums font
* Custom apron decals - simplified a bit (coming)
* Sprayed flip bats black
* All rubbers, rings & sleeves black
* All black star posts from PSPA
* All black vinyl switch covers from PSPA
* Main ramp flamed & sprayed black underneath, masked stair decals for lighting
* Main ramp switch cover blackened & custom Itt & What? decal added
* All plastics customised/Black backgrounded using Photoshop and Lexan
* Cloud topper sprayed black inside, custom translucent decals fitted, custom light show fitted (see pics)
* Electric chair darkened w/- spray & drybrush, custom internal flashers & Uncle Lester mod fitted
* Black Cadillac 1933 Town car. Headlamps 3mm LEDs, Cabin Green 6v Ablaze
* Blackened clear pop caps and added see-through custom spiderweb decals, cointaker LEDs
* Standup targets re-fitted with black discs/rectangles
* Simplified apron decals are in the works
* Bookcase sprayed black & book decal added
* Bookcase base laminated with custom black/white "masonry" & Mylar decal
* Thing's box decalled, but will soon be sprayed black & studded with chrome pinball rivets
* Things fingernails painted black
* Blue flasher dome above Thing flipper, Green one over the Swamp
* Probably some shit I've forgotten too
Stuff yet to do:
* Pinball Pro speaker kit - when I can afford it
* Playfield: basically all the Grey areas will be airbrushed Black, the "masonry" will be handpainted Black w/-
White mortar then the whole thing clearcoated with ceramic.
* Black pop bumper wafers - waiting on PSPA
* Cabinet decals - still under consideration
Pics - next installment.