Howdy, I bought my gorgar machine about a week ago now. When I bought it, The bloke told me it needed a new transformer to run. I have looked at the transformer and it seems ok, however there is a little bit of wax dripped around it, and the far right pin (can't remember number) is hanging out over the paper surround, looks like it may have been in a socket but I don't know anything about these transformers. The little wire hooked onto the pin is still connected, as is the red and white (240v) wire going into it. So far I have got voltage readings going into the transformer fine, but coming out I can't really get anything more than 1V which is probably just interference. I can get around 5v dc at the rectifiers, and that's pretty much it. Does anyone have diagrams, photos, information on there things, I have looked at other components and I can't see anything else too wrong. I can't get the machine to turn on AT ALL. Very frustrating when you don't know enough about some components. I also can't find to much on the net because everything says the transformers rarely stuff up and when they do they cook. So..anyone who can help me very much appreciated it would be great thanks James