thanks again everyone
well its been a couple of hard weeks here
Sue had her first Chemo last week and yes i thought it was bad before ,
this effects people in many different ways , it took a day for it to show , but i can tell you it was good day 1 and went down hill from there
its been nearly 5 days now since it and we have already been back to hospital and slowly trying to do things
lots of sleep for her and rest on the couch , i am hoping by weeks end we might have a chance of doing some things
we have been very luck to have Sues sister and Geoff be able to come over and help . just taking kids to school and so on is allot harder
than you think , the changes I have seen in my wife so far make me think I wish we had checked for this
this is something i must stress you always look for . we have a huge battle on our hands and its only started , we have 18 more weeks of this
then onto the next treatment , Guys keep checking . we will be going back and forth to hospital nearly every week for months if not twice a week
more tests , more MRIs more blood test , more taste test , more this more that , then the worse thing worst thing , well she thinks the hair will fall out ...
to me I dont care about the hair just get well.
thanks again for the responses and advise from all