pinball life is very cheap if u buy leds in bulk (and i mean BULK x 100 plus each bulb n colour)
also, i like the fact you can buy complete flipper kits incl the silver hosing bracket etc so a swap out is very easy at a very affordable price. some usa companies are alot cheaper on certain items than others. its a matter of doing ya homework and spreading your orders around between 3 or 4 different companies depending on what u want.
you just cant buy everything off one company, because it will cost too much, unless they price match, which most do not.
I like to deal with companies that take paypal and calculate correct postage right then and there. accordingly, pinball-life is fine like swinksy said.
I try check out mark c and rtbb first, before going overseas. waiting for overseas orders/slow customs can be painful. everyone has bargains, u just have to work the keyboard like a man on a