Hi Guys, here are few pics and a couple of vids i took of the pin playing gathering Me and Ian (howzat) had yesterday
AP member Andy (greenechidna) and his wife Carolyn drove down from Southwest Rocks to Wauchope for the afternoons activities, and of course Ian came along
Also we invited a new potential AP member along, Darren who owns the Bride of Pinbot i just did the resto thread on. He is looking to buy a couple more pins, in particular a Wms Stellar Wars. He has a lead on a REALLY nice one, literally about a five minute drive from his home!! one i repaired about 12 months ago.
Being an EM guy, Andy liked MIBS which can be heard in the vid getting a workout by him
it was hard to get him off that game
he also had a pretty good go of most of the other games as well, he's playing Roller Disco near the start of the vid.
Here's a video i took.. excuse the messy work area in the start