mnpinball on pinside said
It's going to be a very HOT game. No premiums, the comic book collectors getting in late on the news of this game, lots of mechanical action, sweet custom dots and music, a young new team that loves the theme and "knows" the theme, it all adds up to a big win ! Oh, and more than meets the eye in software, lots of mini modes and things not in the inserts Multiple mini wizard modes etc.... It will be a $10k pin I predict by Christmas (in the US). Supply/demand will drive it.
The whole software team is in on this, The new young guys Waison and Mike are big comic guys and Lyman, Lonnie are also helping with code. Mark Galvez is doing an awesome job on custom dots. David Thiel is creating a huge sound package utilizing the expanded memory capabilities. Each character has it's own tune and there are secret hidden modes as well.