Author Topic: Pinheadz PODcast EP5! With former IFPA Oz No.1 Pinball Pete Menzel!  (Read 1249 times)

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Offline carbonROD

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Will give it a listen early next week. Nothing better than listening to the Podcast while "working"  ^^^

Thanks Nino...really appreciate you listening mate!

Great episode as usual. I think I really like how although you use a running sheet, the banter can go off in so many tangents. Keep up the brilliant work guys. Also having guests is an excellent idea :)

HAHA! Thanks're right we may start with some semblance of a rundown but it's all just a catalyst for conversation. Glad you enjoyed the guests this EP - Pete & his partner Chrys were EXCELLENT! It was cool to get Shane from Geelong on the phone with his Texas report...we'll definitely try & do more of this sort of stuff.

Which reminds me - an open invitation to the AUSSIEPINBALL community...if anyone has a meet/expo/anything you want to give us a 'post report' on for the show, just flick us a message - we'd love to get you on the phone for a minute or ten!

Another great episode Rod. If I ever get a load down to Canberra I would like to call in and see you and your collection.

You bet Wiked...just flick us a message when you're down this way.  ^^^

Another ripper of a podcast well done guys you all rock :-)

Too kind GORGAR 1! Thanks man.

Yeah, it's a great listen each month. Rod's enthusiasm is engaging and I love the dry humour from the other guys. Always brings a smile to my face.

Thanks Adam! Really appreciate the support.

I love the podcasts but did get a little annoyed with this one where Pete, I believe, got interrupted too often and then the conversation went on a different tangent. Pete at times could only get a couple of words out to respond to a question and then got interrupted. You'll notice he tries a couple of times to get back on track himself when I think that's Rod's job even though Rod was the cause of the problem.

But that's the only criticism I have in over 5 episodes though and maybe this happened because they called in their guest earlier than planned.

Please take this as an observation and no malice intended.   ^^^

Yeah it's funny, listening back I felt I didn't bring Gaz in enough this EP - but we're all listening with different ears. Pete was EXCELLENT, so I'd hope we'll be hearing more from him in future EPs!  ^^^

No offence taken Pinball God...I appreciate you listening this closely. Cheers Rod

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