Author Topic: Sydney Pinball Expo 2010  (Read 2575 times)

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Re: Sydney Pinball Expo 2010
« on: May 21, 2009, 12:30:09 PM »
I can only assume that the organisers are getting a lot of feedback – both good and bad.
I am confident they will make this a better experience ( for those that didn’t enjoy it so much ) next year.
I too would pay up to $20.00 - $30.00 entry fee if I knew I could play a stack of reliable games.

Personally I think that more quality commercial involvement would be a good thing for ALL parties and is fairly vital in enabling an event like this to grow.
Some good reasons to involve Commercial guys, in my opinion……

•   Sellers get to show their wares and promote to potential clients and solidify relationships with existing customers face to face.
•   Existing collectors get access to a load of stuff on the day and may discover new sellers with new product they didn’t know existed
•   New ‘owners’ thinking of buying a machine get to see the amount of support and back-up available in this country if they choose to buy a pinball, which may lead to more confidence from a potential new auction bidder, meaning he will buy a machine he may have otherwise just been ‘considering’.
•   It may also lead to any ‘sceptical’ collectors / restorers feeling more confident about the event and would therefore also promote it better for the NEXT time.

Take a look at the exposure that AP got and the growth and interest in the site since last Saturday – and ( with respect ) ) it was just a table with Shirts, a brochure ( and a beautiful canvas banner ! LOL ) and enthusiastic guys promoting the site , but the after effects have been fantastic - imagine if you were a commercial trader with parts / products to sell and a captive market to sell to …knowing that 90% of people coming past your stall that day had a keen interest in you and your services.

I hope this event grows and grows, if it includes an auction then so be it- its ALL about pinball and getting new interest.
I had a blast …….and tell me who DIDN’T come away from there last week wanting another pinball machine – and THAT’S what its all about.
As a matter of fact I am just about to buy one !
DW Drums rule !