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Offline illawarra_steelers

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Sydney Pinball Expo 2010
« on: May 21, 2009, 10:25:27 AM »
Plans are already in place for the Sydney Pinball Expo 2010. After the success of this years Expo it will be all systems go for next year and become an annual event.

The organisers have admitted they did make some mistakes this year but they have learnt and will push on and learn from that.

Firstly there will be a committee set up and nobody on that will have a commercial interest in the Expo. In the early stages of discussions the next Expo will be run over 3 days.

There will be less emphasis on the auction and more for other parties to become involved and set up their stalls with games and parts for sale etc. There will be guest speakers brought out from the US who were involved in the industry. I don’t want to give out any names yet but these people are absolute legends in the industry.

The only thing that disappointed me this year was the bagging of the games for sale the next day at the auction. Who could assemble 100+ collector quality games for an auction anywhere in the World? We all know that collectors don’t go to auctions to buy games; they go there to pick faults with them. Most of the games ‘broken down’ were games that didn’t have credits available. Sure there were games with stuck flippers, trapped balls etc but this will always happen with the hammering the games got on Saturday. I'm sure gald they weren't my games getting flogged on Saturday.

So why post this so early? Aussie Pinball made a significant presence at Expo 2009 and we now have an entire year to plan on how we can push forward.

How will we contribute to this?

So over to you guys……once again let’s keep the politics out of this, keep the ball rolling and continue to be positive.  *%*

« Last Edit: May 21, 2009, 10:59:41 AM by illawarra_steelers »


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Re: Sydney Pinball Expo 2010
« Reply #1 on: May 21, 2009, 10:52:34 AM »
To right about the games broken down...I spoke to MickB and he helped fix machines up on the Sunday morn and he said most where easy small fixes...just like at my meets...usually one or 2 machines need the glass off at sometime during the night...and thats with only 15 or so guys playing them...those Expo machines got a BIG workout.
Big Thumbs up to the Expo...I will be there next year...great effort overall.
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Re: Sydney Pinball Expo 2010
« Reply #2 on: May 21, 2009, 11:06:06 AM »
Exactly my sentiments about growing and learning from the mistakes.

I would like to see a REAL pinball comp from the likes of the IFPA. This would really grow competition pinball Australia wide. I know the Adelaide boys have got a good comp and Rollerball puts on a comp at his meets. This would make the event even better and give it a world wide audience.

Thats not to say you couldnt have Zballs comp of giving a pinball away, it is a great commercial enterprise and I was blown away by how many people entered and multiple times.

Any help with this part of the next week I would put my hand up to help.

It was just great to see the start of something that has always been talked about. Giving it momentum now will just keep the ball rolling - pun intended :)

Great to see organisation for next years starting already


Offline bwodie

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Re: Sydney Pinball Expo 2010
« Reply #3 on: May 21, 2009, 11:25:38 AM »
My comments RE condition of games

I got there fairly early Sat morning and a good percentage of the DMD games on the main area didn't work for a range of reasons primarily:
Balls missing
Flippers not working
and the games generally just not starting

Cosmetically some games were in very rough condition, and others I think would be ok for a first time buyer.
Games did indeed look like container pins that had not really had alot of time and money spent on them to get them fully functional.
The main thing that annoyed me about all of this, was that there were many first time pin buyers there and people who didn't know alot about pinball. If they were to buy most of these games from the auction, they were going to be up for ALOT more coin afterwards to get them to where they should be.

Saying that,
The best games on show were those from capital pinball and AMD which made sense in alot of ways. These guys are what made it an expo to me.
I have never been to an expo in the US, and I know some of you guys have (and I have read ALOT and looked at ALOT of pictures). The quality of pins at the US expo varies as well, but is generally ALOT better because it is a larger group of commercial sellers and guys with games to get rid of. Not to mention the larger population and hobby following.

I think that was the killer for the Aussie expo for me. A load of container pins pushed onto the public for auction that didn't really work well. If financially that was the only way they could get 100 pins on show for the public then so be it. It may not have been viable for the first expo to get all the big commercial guys from Aus to come for the expo (bumper, mr pinball, child, zax etc) and if that is the case then for the first expo ever, I think they did quite well. However I think we would get most benefit if primarily we had good quality pins and parts being showed off from commercial sellers, where the public are going to get the chance to buy decent working games and have a better playing experience. I personaly would pay 15-20$ entry towards the costs of getting that up and running. At $5 you most certainly could not complain, but some of us made a pretty big effort and travelled to get to the show and I personally was mostly disappointed.
At the end of the day it felt half like a small expo, half like an auction of crappy container pins being pushed as an expo on to the un-suspecting

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Re: Sydney Pinball Expo 2010
« Reply #4 on: May 21, 2009, 12:05:51 PM »

From a simplistic point of view, someone actually pulled their finger out and did an Expo. All I've ever heard is talk - "I wish someone would ....." - Well thanks to Rian and Co - It is now history - We had an Expo, and from all reports - a successful one at that.

It is understandable that not all the machines were in pristine, rare and collectible condition. We don't have the number of restorers that our friends in the USA have. Good luck walking into a Dealers and being able to play every machine - fully shopped and in perfect condition. I've been to all dealers in Melbourne, and not all machines are even presentable. Now I did not personally see any of the machines at Expo, but most enthusiasts didn't seem to worry too much about the condition of the machines and from the pictures on this site, the isles were full of people playing games.

I'm sure the organizers will learn from this Expo, and the next one will be massive. Particularly with the Dealers bringing machines to show off and sell to the public. That being fact, means that there will be a much higher percentage of fully shopped machines to play. Obviously, a bigger venue is needed to cater for that !

Hopefully, if all the planets align, I will bring some of my restored machines for the public to enjoy.

Onward and upward !

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Offline bwodie

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Re: Sydney Pinball Expo 2010
« Reply #5 on: May 21, 2009, 12:21:07 PM »
Strangeways, what actually made this an expo in comparison to a pinball auction? I want to keep this on topic so we are indeed thinking forward to next year.
Do the expo's in the US include an auction?
To me this was an Auction, marketed as an expo to walk more public in the door. (the only thing that made it an expo were the 3 or 4 commercial guys incl which was the highlight of the day for me)

Call me a sceptic but my main concern is the motives behind the expo. Will there be another big auction again next time.. I wonder.

I am not saying this was a particularily bad thing for the first expo, as you have to start somewhere, and you are most certainly going to have alot of trouble getting private sellers and commercial guys to rock up for the first show ever. If an auction is what it takes to get this thing off the ground for the first few times im all for it. I just fear some of the public being burnt buying the games without knowing better.

I read back over illawarra_steelers OP and he wanted to keep this positive, so I apologize. I just wanted to vent that out lol
Here forward I will remain positive :)

« Last Edit: May 21, 2009, 12:26:31 PM by bwodie »

Offline goodolddays

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Re: Sydney Pinball Expo 2010
« Reply #6 on: May 21, 2009, 12:25:43 PM »

From a simplistic point of view, someone actually pulled their finger out and did an Expo. All I've ever heard is talk - "I wish someone would ....." - Well thanks to Rian and Co - It is now history - We had an Expo, and from all reports - a successful one at that.

It is understandable that not all the machines were in pristine, rare and collectible condition. We don't have the number of restorers that our friends in the USA have. Good luck walking into a Dealers and being able to play every machine - fully shopped and in perfect condition. I've been to all dealers in Melbourne, and not all machines are even presentable. Now I did not personally see any of the machines at Expo, but most enthusiasts didn't seem to worry too much about the condition of the machines and from the pictures on this site, the isles were full of people playing games.

I'm sure the organizers will learn from this Expo, and the next one will be massive. Particularly with the Dealers bringing machines to show off and sell to the public. That being fact, means that there will be a much higher percentage of fully shopped machines to play. Obviously, a bigger venue is needed to cater for that !

Hopefully, if all the planets align, I will bring some of my restored machines for the public to enjoy.

Onward and upward !

Well said Nino .
I hope next years venue (and the event itself) is much bigger and with much better airflow .
The key problem I saw this year was so many people meant a distinct lack of fresh air. No doubt the massive crowd on Saturday far exceeded the organisers expectations though.

I need more room ! and more $$$

Offline Wotto

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Re: Sydney Pinball Expo 2010
« Reply #7 on: May 21, 2009, 12:30:09 PM »
I can only assume that the organisers are getting a lot of feedback – both good and bad.
I am confident they will make this a better experience ( for those that didn’t enjoy it so much ) next year.
I too would pay up to $20.00 - $30.00 entry fee if I knew I could play a stack of reliable games.

Personally I think that more quality commercial involvement would be a good thing for ALL parties and is fairly vital in enabling an event like this to grow.
Some good reasons to involve Commercial guys, in my opinion……

•   Sellers get to show their wares and promote to potential clients and solidify relationships with existing customers face to face.
•   Existing collectors get access to a load of stuff on the day and may discover new sellers with new product they didn’t know existed
•   New ‘owners’ thinking of buying a machine get to see the amount of support and back-up available in this country if they choose to buy a pinball, which may lead to more confidence from a potential new auction bidder, meaning he will buy a machine he may have otherwise just been ‘considering’.
•   It may also lead to any ‘sceptical’ collectors / restorers feeling more confident about the event and would therefore also promote it better for the NEXT time.

Take a look at the exposure that AP got and the growth and interest in the site since last Saturday – and ( with respect ) ) it was just a table with Shirts, a brochure ( and a beautiful canvas banner ! LOL ) and enthusiastic guys promoting the site , but the after effects have been fantastic - imagine if you were a commercial trader with parts / products to sell and a captive market to sell to …knowing that 90% of people coming past your stall that day had a keen interest in you and your services.

I hope this event grows and grows, if it includes an auction then so be it- its ALL about pinball and getting new interest.
I had a blast …….and tell me who DIDN’T come away from there last week wanting another pinball machine – and THAT’S what its all about.
As a matter of fact I am just about to buy one !
DW Drums rule !

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Re: Sydney Pinball Expo 2010
« Reply #8 on: May 21, 2009, 12:36:39 PM »

I hope next years venue (and the event itself) is much bigger and with much better airflow .
The key problem I saw this year was so many people meant a distinct lack of fresh air.

I farted in there  - that couldnt have helped  %.%
DW Drums rule !

Offline Geoffh

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Re: Sydney Pinball Expo 2010
« Reply #9 on: May 21, 2009, 12:36:48 PM »
Whilst I was not at Expo I have read most of the reports and they are pretty positive.

I equate the first of any show to that of a toddler taking their first steps and they need a lot of support for the first time they attempt to walk. The auction to me was the support factor for the first steps towards a bigger and better Expo next year and beyond.

Looking at the prices the auction realized I don't think there was any profit in it given the advertising and the low entry fee.

The organizers have looked at what happened and are now formulating plans for next years event and I believe they have learnt from this one and it will evolve and next years should be more to the liking of pinball collectors and the general public as well.

Kudos to Rian and co. for giving it a go.

Lets get together and help next year to be bigger better and something that will promote pinball in Australia

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Re: Sydney Pinball Expo 2010
« Reply #10 on: May 21, 2009, 12:47:42 PM »
Strangeways, what actually made this an expo in comparison to a pinball auction? I want to keep this on topic so we are indeed thinking forward to next year.
Do the expo's in the US include an auction?
To me this was an Auction, marketed as an expo to walk more public in the door. (the only thing that made it an expo were the 3 or 4 commercial guys incl which was the highlight of the day for me)

Call me a sceptic but my main concern is the motives behind the expo. Will there be another big auction again next time.. I wonder.

I am not saying this was a particularily bad thing for the first expo, as you have to start somewhere, and you are most certainly going to have alot of trouble getting private sellers and commercial guys to rock up for the first show ever. If an auction is what it takes to get this thing off the ground for the first few times im all for it. I just fear some of the public being burnt buying the games without knowing better.

I read back over illawarra_steelers OP and he wanted to keep this positive, so I apologize. I just wanted to vent that out lol
Here forward I will remain positive :)

Not all, but Chicago Pinball Expo has an auction - In a separate room to the main event, but they have an Auction.

What made it an Expo ?

The people, the stalls, the Dinner, the presentations. No one forced anyone to attend the Auction portion of the Expo, in fact, a large portion of the 20 of so new members to AP, or the 300 posts last night (a record) had absolutely nothing to do with the Auction. They joined because of the Aussie Pinball Stall and the great people that attended and spread the word.

I could be wrong here, but to me - there were two events - The Expo, and the Auction WITHIN the Expo. I've yet to see Stalls selling parts, restoration tips and T-Shirts at an Auction.

I'm just thinking if the door charge was $75 to cover costs and there was no auction - would the general public attend ?
If the machines were in perfect / mint condition - people would then complain about the prices.

It is a fine line - can't please everyone. I think that most came away from Expo happy, but it does need to be tweaked. Not bad at all for a first effort.

you are right - You have to start somewhere - That is now behind us.

« Last Edit: May 21, 2009, 12:49:27 PM by Strangeways »
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Offline bwodie

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Re: Sydney Pinball Expo 2010
« Reply #11 on: May 21, 2009, 01:05:37 PM »
I couldn't agree more Wotto and fair enough indeed strangeways  $#$

Offline goodolddays

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Re: Sydney Pinball Expo 2010
« Reply #12 on: May 21, 2009, 01:10:09 PM »
I'm so addicted I wanted another Pin even before attending Expo  %.% 
Would be great if next time around all the pins were playable , but as others have said its a major logistical excerise (let alone the cost to stage an Expo I'd imagine).
I need more room ! and more $$$

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Re: Sydney Pinball Expo 2010
« Reply #13 on: May 21, 2009, 01:10:47 PM »
The noise was deafening, you had no chance of hearing the pin you were playing. But cant see anyway around that, unless they could wheel a pin to quiet area if a bidder/buyer was serious about it (pls feel free to pass that idea on Tony). After saturday I saw the expo as 2 events. Saturday's which was super! and sundays which i knew held little interest for me (but did like to know the prices). For 5 bucks no one can complain, I expected to pay 10 bucks to be honest, and at that it still be bargain. Looking forward to next year!

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Re: Sydney Pinball Expo 2010
« Reply #14 on: May 21, 2009, 02:25:32 PM »
put me down for 2010

I was put off by a lot of the negativity before hand.

I would love to go to a non auction based event

If I could i would bring a machine with me (hand luggage)