Author Topic: Sunday Pinball Questionaire - part 29 - SPURR  (Read 5286 times)

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Re: Sunday Pinball Questionaire - part 29 - SPURR
« on: June 21, 2009, 02:39:32 PM »

SORRY for the late post - But I've been very slack recently ;

1. Earliest pinball memory?  At primary school during lunch time leaving school which wasn't allowed, walking about 300 meters to the local fish & chip shop, out the back of the shop was a room that had a pool table 4 pins and a duke box.
This was a long time ago but I can remember this : they had a Sweet Hearts, Super Star, A pin that had zipper flippers and Williams pin that had a clock in the middle of the PF that had 3 jokers on it and a classic Duke that you could see the record spinning whilst being played.

2. All time favorite pin? Why?   Hard question either Bank a Ball or Klondike. With Bank a ball A free game was awarded for a good shot right in the middle of the PF and for Klondike its not easy watching the poker machine reels whilst keeping your eye on the ball in play!

3. Favorite pinball manufacture?  Because I'm into EM's Gottlieb's wins hands down!!!

4. Favorite game in your collection? Why?  TOP CARD you must look this game up on the data base the amount of good shots required for this game beats any of the 80's 90's and 2000 type of pins. All my friends totally enjoy playing this pin, you can see it on there faces whilst playing.

5. How long have you been collecting?  Hard to remember I think 1988

6. First game and how did you find it?  I have told this story before in an other thread but for the one's that didn't read it.
I put a add in the local news paper " Wanted pinball's working or not " a guy rang me from Taree said he had about 8 pins from a youth center did I want them! with free delivery very cheap. they were all EM's.

7. Do you still have it?   Kept 4 sold 4

8. What are you currently working on?  I'm a Scorpio cant work on one thing at a time. I start on one get sick of it then start on an other. Pins that I am working on now are Bank a Ball, Gorgar, Stars, Grand Slam, Nautilus.   Greg ( EXTRA BALL ) is a witness to this. aren't you Greg !

9. Most wanted game to add to your collection?  I would like something newer a T2 would be nice.

10. Best all time bargain game added to your collection?  See question 6

11. Worst ever miss – tell us about the one that got away!   Robert ( Rack a Ball ) had a Bank a Ball in good condition he sold it and I wished I got it. But that's cool I found one about 5 years later.

12. Worst ever purchase – tell us about the game you wished you never bought.  I might hurt some feelings here!  I bought 2x Solar Rides in one purchase IMO one of the worst Gottliebs ever brought out. Two flippers on one side one on the other, terrible art work but both were in good condition. Sold one and wreaked one for spare parts, I still have many parts of this pin left.

13. Describe your collection.  Look up members owners list on Matts thread I have a good collection of wedge head collectable EM's

14. Describe your gamesroom.  I have a great protential for a gamesroom I have got a 2 story double garage where upstairs will one day be totally dedicated for pinball.

15. Do you have other games other than pinball?  Pinballs and pool table only.

16. Where can you see the hobby in 10 years?   Well lets say in 15 to 20 years time NOT GOOD !! because most pinheads were created because in our young days there were pinballs every where pubs, nilly every corner shop, arcades, public swimming pools, theaters you name it . These days there scarce as, so as us older ones die off there will be NO one to follow on this great hobby. The ones that will keep it alive will be our kids because they will be the only one's to experience from a young age how much fun pinballs are. IMO bleak future  !!!

« Last Edit: June 21, 2009, 02:42:05 PM by SPURR »