Obviously this was all. Badly handled but before you kick your little business in the arse and stop doing what you are doing, can I suggest if you are being over run with work and orders you set up a website like the guys who make reprocplayfields, and you do a simular system they do where you take orders for your decals, as a batch peoPle pay a down payment and you update the website on where you are at with the process on the oders, that way if it is taking time peoPle know where you are at, you could have food little business and people like the Playfields would be happy to wait if they know where you are upto, that would mean you could avoid having to make uP excuses when you get snowed under, it would be honest and would help you and your custOmers out, you obviously do good work and hope you can redeem your self but a better system is needed, I'd love to buy decals from you