I offered to manufacture a HH ramp for Nick as his was missing from the project game he recently aquired, I had a look thought no probs, about 5 hours later
here is the result.
It came up fairly well, it would have been better if I had access to a lazer cutter as I had to drill each hole and drilling stainless is not very easy, I had to use cobolt drills which are a lot harder than normal drills.
I also used thicker stainless than original 1.6 as I couldn't find and 1-1.2mm thick, so I had to put a chanfer on the leading edge to allow the ball a smooth path onto the ramp.
Folding was a bitch, I only had access to an big old folder and once one side is folded the other side would not fit under the locking arm, so I had to pack out with packers, after a bit of cursing I found a way to get each angle folded
I have regrained the metal to get out marks from folding, if Nick wants to put in a little more elbow grease he can polish it up some more.
I just have to make the small bracket that the ramp slides into tonight then all finished