hey ive just come back to this post after having done more investigations into things.
and i notice that the advice given above was spot on!
my machine is suffering from a number of problems as follows:
(after stevecee has fixed my power board)
at least 3 transistors
2x switches
2x opto switches
toplight lights(after i changed to leds!!!)
damage to the playfield (esp rafts, and outholes 2off)
kicker not working.
i have a buggered coindoor/coinmech.
legs are horrible
plunger is flogged out.
i will stop there though i could go on!
jeez these machines are complicated!!!
she is not "pretty", thats for sure.
but i love her!!!!
hope to make her playable today!!!!
specifically, my problem is due to a dud diode at no.1 ball posn (home position).
wish both steve and myself luck!