guys my 92 whitewater, came with a badly bashed coindoor, and 3x coinmechs which do not work.
i feel a pinball without working coinmech is like a car without wheels or a bull without balls!
i have bought the newest chip upgrade, which i believe doesent support coinmech, but is alledged to be a big improvement otherwise
so i will probably use it, but then maybe not!
i have beaten most of the dints from my door and touched up the paint, now thinking coinmechs.
i found a 2nd hand g220 coinmech, and am wondering if it can(relatively easily be installed in my machine.
i imagine it will need a new coindoor inner (to hold the mech.)
i believe it could work well, and i understand the c220 can read different coins, and may need programming if it was from another country.
may be a good excuse to buy a single opening coindoor.
put me out of my misery-is this a good idea or not?
i am all ears/open to suggestions.
hope the punters won heaps yesterday!!!
cheers craig