Heh heh, if you want to kill yourself by smoking or over-drinking please do it without affecting others...
Unfortunately it is very difficult to achieve this without placing a burden on the hospital system.
Then again, if you over-eat or probably participate in a number of activities you can end up in the same situation, so I guess it is unfair to target the burden on the hospital system. That's why we pay taxes.
Anyway, I don't think I would like anyone smoking in the shed, they can smoke outside.
if the government really thought to treat smokers was above the revenue of smoking tax creates they would ban it, at the end of the day us smokers are tax paying machines and the government makes a tonne of cash from us. If anything smokers save you none smokers allot of taxes. You think when the gov wants to get more revenue they increase tax on siggies, wonders what they would tax to death if they banned smoking?