Some people on pinside let their NIB stern so for six months before playing them, to give the clear time to cure
The clear is cured when you cannot smell it
That's overkill. I've installed playfields after 2 months and they were rock hard. When my KISS LE arrives, I'll be playing it within the first 5 minutes
If TWD LE Nino is has got dimpled today, the machine was built 6 months ago. So the issue is nothing to do with curing time.
I wonder if it may relate to drying speed time. 'Crystalline' materials cooled quickly from their liquid state become dull but flexible (annealed), and when cooled quickly become shiny but hard & brittle. I thought 'orange peel' was caused by slow cooling - which would also relate to dull but flexible. (I'm unsure of the orange peel cause).
...could it be that the reason the we are getting inconsistent report is that Stern's clear coater isn't controlling the cooling process. The dimpled ones were simply made in summer so naturally cooled slowly, and the shiny 'flakey' ones were made in winter so were naturally 'snap frozen' in Chicago.
Question to Platinum: Am i correct to say that your process is to take the playfields out of the oven quickly? And the reason you clear coat doesn't crack, is that they get strength from being thick.