FINALLY got my games moved 20 minutes away... bloody hell it was a tough day.. no tail gate lift and games had to come up one flight of steps. Ive never really counted how many games i have as they are continually turning over and i could have sworn that i had scaled down a bit ready for the move. We started at 7.30 sharp... removalists turned up at 8am and they finished loading the rest of the house before us..LOL. Then they all had to come off at the other end. I started moving the games room and workshop 5 days ago.. im still loading the ute 3 times a day to get everything out.. the house is empty.. its just my collection of STUFF!
Im nearly done now and internet is back on today... those waiting on stencils.. yeh.. sorry ive done nothing but move crap from early morning till its too dark to continue. Tomorrow is last day so ill catch up with stuff after that.
Anyway, the game bodies are on this flat bed truck.. all 24 of them. Heads got moved in the ute. Seeing my game collection on a truck was an impressive sight. I dont have any DMD's and only one machine has a fold down head ( and i was reminded quite severely why i dont collect games that do not break down... too friggin hard to shift!).
Bit of fun with the pics... can you name the machines????