Author Topic: Beaky's pinball repairs no longer repairing boards with battery leakage damage.  (Read 5489 times)

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Offline beaky

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Sorry to inform every one that I will no longer doing repairs to boards with battery leakage damage.
I just can't spare the time to do the repairs properly with the work load I have nowadays.
I am working up until 11PM most nights just doing normal repairs
I will still do standard repairs and full board refurbishing.
« Last Edit: July 08, 2014, 12:16:29 AM by beaky »
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Offline Zedman

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« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2014, 08:24:30 PM »
I could pick up those repairs if there's a need.

Offline Homepin

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I can't say I blame you - not only is it a very time consuming job there really is no 100% guarantee that you have removed every last bit of corrosion and it's just lurking in there ready to strike!!!

I guess I better get my finger out with the replacement WPC MPUs here then........ *)*
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Offline beaky

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I can't say I blame you - not only is it a very time consuming job there really is no 100% guarantee that you have removed every last bit of corrosion and it's just lurking in there ready to strike!!!

I guess I better get my finger out with the replacement WPC MPUs here then........ *)*
yes you better.  &&
thats another reason why i am stopping, there won't be huge difference between the price of repairing them and a new home pin board.
as far as the latter goes I haven't had one do it yet, I even clean all the vias out with a 0.8 or 1 mm drill bit (depending on the board) then fill them with solder, suck out the solder and re flow them again. But it is still possible for it to happen.

I may still do the White star boards when needed and as long as they are not to bad, they are nearly impossible to find.

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Offline beaky

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« Reply #4 on: July 09, 2014, 08:07:36 PM »
I could pick up those repairs if there's a need.
no problems,
I will send any queries i get your way.
On site pinball repairs in MELBOURNE NTH SUBURBS  : Circuit board repairs and refurbishing Australia wide (via Aust post)

Offline johnwartjr

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I'm considering doing the same. I've repaired a few WPC CPUs in recent months, and if it ends up costing someone more than 50% what an aftermarket board costs, they might as well buy the aftermarket. It doesn't take much alkaline to haunt a board forever!